
Marcel Maruli

Senior Frontend Developer & Mentor
I love to design and code a simple things. I have a passion for software. I enjoy creating tools that make life easier for people.


PT. Renos Indonesia

PT. Renos Indonesia

Senior Frontend Engineer

August 2022 -


  • Review and make a clean code for buyer team.
  • Contribute to make a new version and revamp an old web application.
  • Contribute to make a homepage, product detail, payment, and order.
  • Make a new feature for an event such Jakarta Fair.
  • Develop and maintain buyer team application.

Tech Stack:

React, NextJs, Renos-UI, Github, Axios, Jest, React or NextJs Library (CryptoJs, React Query, Next-i18n, Swiper, React Google Recaptcha V3, etc), Sonarcloud

Portfolios Preview:

Project to build an homelivin e-commerce application for a buyer in web desktop view.
Project to build an homelivin e-commerce application in mobile view.
PT. Sicepat Express Indonesia

PT. Sicepat Express Indonesia

Frontend Engineer

July 2021 - August 2022

  • Make an application for HR external to help HR team for hiring man power from outsourcing (company partner) for each branch.
  • Make and develop an application for HR Internal for ease them monitoring, checking, and submitting the request from HR External team.
  • Make a dashboard to ease monitoring, reporting, and controlling all attendance in PT. Sicepat Express.
  • Refactoring and review code.

Tech Stack:

React, antd, Gitlab, Axios, ChartJs

PT. Amar Bank

PT. Amar Bank

Frontend Engineer

October 2020 - July 2021

  • Create a Landing Page for Senyumku web application.
  • Contribute to develop Know Your Customer (KYC) for senyumku web application.
  • Create a styling library such as Antd or bootstrap to standarized styling theme and concept.
  • Refactoring the code to make it more readable and to ease the improvement proccess.

Tech Stack:

React, antd, Gitlab, Axios, Sonarcloud

Portfolios Preview:

Build a project for a funding application from amar bank (Tunaiku) using a tech stack such as react, antd, gitlab, axios, scss, and sonarcloud in desktop view.
Build a project for a funding application from amar bank (Tunaiku) using a tech stack such as react, antd, gitlab, axios, scss, and sonarcloud mobile view.

Freelance Projects


Tanoto Foundation

Basic HTML Mentor

May 2022

Teach and mentoring basic HTML and Javascript for an orphanage children at Dorkas Orphanage Matraman Central Jakarta. so, they can make their own simple website.


PT. Merdeka Digital Asia

Frontend Engineer

March 2022

Build company website using VueJS, Axios, Vue-Router, styling using bootstrap-vue, and implementing the i18n using Vue-i18n.



Hacktiv8 Indonesia

Fullstack Javascript Immersive Program

Nov 2019 - April 2020

Graduation Score: 78.54/100


Sahid University

Bachelor's Degree of Food Technology

Oct 2014 - Oct 2018

GPA: 3.22/4.00